Thursday, 2 August 2012

How to Turn Your Smartphone Into An Emergency Kit

Technology can help you find a restaurant, locate a parking spot, and even get you a date. But how can mobile apps impact the more crucial aspects of a person’s life, like safety and well being?

While apps can’t replace your doctor or local police, there are many that can make a major difference in an emergency. Here are nine that will help you prepare for, react to, and report such situations.


Emergency preparedness isn’t just about extra batteries and jugs of drinking water. It’s about making sure you have access to the right information when you need it most. The following apps allow you to prepare for emergencies before they occur.

  • pMonitor: pMonitor lets parents use location alerts to, for example, know when a child arrives at school or is headed home. Users can create alerts for potentially dangerous situations as well. So if you have an elderly parent, you can set an alert that will ping you if that person happens to fall. In other words, this app will let you know whenever a loved one is in a bad situation so that you can respond.
  • Pocket First Aid and CPR: This app is useful to keep in your phone as a CPR tutorial. It can’t replace a certification, but it does offer best-practice reminders on how to properly administer this life-saving technique. It can be particularly useful to have a mobile app to walk you through the steps during a crisis when it’s easy to seize up.
  • Safety NET: This app is great for an elderly parent or a disabled loved one, as it monitors for things like falls or collisions. It then automatically alerts a previously selected emergency contact to call for help.


Preparedness is one important element of safety, and there are some great apps that help you take control in emergency situations.

  • Silent Bodyguard: This app serves as a silent panic button that calls the police without setting off any alarms. The panic message can also send a text to a loved one or a post to your social accounts. It will also use your phone to share your coordinates with, say, police officials.
  • Poison Center Help: The free Poison Center Help app allows users dealing with someone who has ingested poison or been exposed to a dangerous substance to quickly connect to the poison control center to find out what side effects to expect, and how to address them.
  • KidsDoc: Your pediatrician may be on speed dial, but this app could save you a few middle-of-the-night phone calls. KidsDoc allows you to input symptoms to find out what common ailment might be bugging your child. It also offers simple treatments.


The faster an emergency gets reported, the sooner help can arrive. Dialing 911 is a great first step, but here are some other handy tools for sharing emergency information.

  • Neighborhood Watch Official Mobile App: The Neighborhood Watch has gone digital. With this app, you can access training videos and best practices for keeping your neighborhood safe. You can also submit details about local crimes and make sure things get reported.
  • SaferBus: This free app monitors performance of public transit and allows you to report unsafe driving, improper conditions, rowdiness, and other issues on public transportation systems.
  • iWitness Now you’re covered anywhere you go. This app allows users to report what they see while auto-tracking their position for easy reporting.

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